Bokamoso Stars Academy is an independent primary school that trives to unlock diverse potential in every child and be pioneers in grooming tomorrow’s leaders, by making a difference in the lives of as many children as possible.
Please take note of the criteria, admissions dates, and processes to ensure applications are done timeously and correctly.
Grade 1 to 3
| Registration | *Levy | Sports | *Monthly | Yearly | |
Fees | Returning Grade R Learners | R 800.00 | NIL | R 1,000.00 | R 1,600.00 | |
New Learners | R 1,000.00 | R 200 | R 1,000.00 | R 1,600.00 |
Grade 4 to 7
| Registration | *Levy | Sports | * Monthly | Yearly | |
Fees | Returning Learners | R 0.00 | R 200 | R 1,000.00 | R 1,600.00 | |
New Learners | R 1,000.00 | R 200 | R 1,000.00 | R 1,600.00 |
- Monthly fees payable over 12 months (January – December).
- Monthly fees payable on the 1st of every month.
NB: All fees are not refundable.
Account Holder: Bokamoso Stars Academy
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Number: 62830290706
Branch Code: 250655
Reference: Name & Grade of child
Proof of Payment: